This poem was submitted some years ago by Sir Knight P. Raymond Johnson of Boulder Boulder Colorado. He indicates that the author is Sir Knight Edgar A. Guest

Knights Templar

Three by three in
line they come
courteous men of
tempiardom! Christtian
men who've
bowed the knee
At the cross of
Calvary. Each with
dedicated sword to
the glory of the Lord.
Guarding still the
faith they hold
as was done in
days of old.
For their history trails away to the dark and bloody day
When the Christians made their stand In the troubled Holy
Land And the followers of the Christ Ruthlessly were sacrificed.
There amid the inky gloom shown the Templar's spotless
Now this need for
strife has gone,
Still the termplars
follow on, Though
their swords in
silence sleep, Still
beneath the glittering arch
candidates for knighthood
march, And by taper
and by sword, Pledge
allegiance to the Lord.
Templars all, my hand
I wave Be you steadfast,
be you brave! Old the
order! Old the need!
For the valiant Christian
deed Bigotry no more
holds sway. But for valiant
knights today And
for christian gentlemen
Still the need is now, as then.

Update: July 11, 2014

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