So Mote It Be
What It Means to Me

by Worshipful Brother Paul Weathers

So Mote It Be. So sweet is the sound. It has such a strong meaning to the true Mason.

The word 'mote' is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'may'. But the meaning to the Mason should be much more personal. Whether at the end of one's prayer, at the pronouncement of the sacred union of marriage, at the blessed birth of a child, or at the solemn bidding good bye to one who is loved and respected, we say those meaningful words, So Mote It Be.

When I say those words, So Mote It Be, I'm not speaking to those mortal beings around me, I'm speaking directly to The Supreme Deity of all existence. I'm asking God to look into my heart and know what is there that I may not know the words to express. I'm asking God to recognize my needs, even those I don't know exist and provide for them, to know my weaknesses and frailties of life, to know all that my humble existence cannot comprehend. I'm yielding to His will and imploring His mercy.

What do those words mean to you, my Fraternal Brother? So Mote It Be.

Update: July 11, 2014

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