
by Rev. Donald C. Kerr

Once upon a time a man lived whose name was Sir Nowyufff Dunnit. He had invented a unique medicine, called "Juniorite." He advertised his invention in magazines and newspapers, saying, "Don't grow old: Take Juniorite and be young again!" So it happened that Lord and Lady Dunnit became parents of a baby who, instead of being a baby, was born an old man of ninety. Lord Dunnit had taken too much Juniorite. The baby, born at ninety, soon became eighty then seventy and sixty, and every ten years the baby grew younger. Eventually the child was ten and five and then without teeth or hair and could only cry and squeal. Juniorite was a big success. It had made time run backwards. When we think about that, would we like it? The Creator of time designed us to go forward, not backward. Life is made to move beyond what was to be to what will be. Our hopes are always in the future. Nature follows that pattern. Spring follows winter. Flowers begin to blossom, and days become longer. Easter always looks to the future. It symbolizes light out of darkness. When we become Masons in that third degree, we are "raised." We are pointed in a new direction. It is like a resurrection from the past. Easter is our time to feel confident about the future. "He who was dead is alive." That is our faith. God does not stop when we stop. The resurrection is a testimony to the continuity of life. So may the Risen Christ bring to us a blessing of confidence and hope for the future, and to those who celebrate Passover, may they be ever grateful for the One who rose up to bring freedom to an enslaved people. A Happy Easter and a Happy Passover to one and all!

Update: July 11, 2014

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