The Daily Battles We Face
By Sir Knight Barry D. Denton

    As I look out my office window, I see tall trees, fascinating birds flying in the sky, and of course my beautiful daughter, Callie, playing in the backyard. While listening to the bellowing sounds of the Benedictines of Mary choir, their music touching my heart, I can't help but wonder, out of all this beauty what battles do I face as a Christian, as a Knight Templar. We all took vows, holding our sword, pledging our honor to God, to our family, and to our country. So what battles do we face, and how do we continue to live as Christians in such a secular world?

    According to Bill Perkins in his book, Six Battles Every Man Must Win, we must live as if nothing else matters than the glory of God. Now this sounds easy, but in this world of fast paced internet access, Facebook, and even cellular telephones, that is not the case. Therefore, we must remind ourselves daily to take the time to worship our God and retake the vows we cherish so much. Recently I found an application on my phone that provides me a daily devotional which has helped my walk with the Lord, but that is not enough, there must be more.

    One battle we all face is the issue of being self-serving. Therefore, we must work to accomplish daily good deeds to all with whom we come in contact. Recently, I decided that at least once a week I would purchase the food for someone behind me in the drive-thru service of local restaurants, but that is just once a week. So to go a bit further, I have also done things such as take my elderly neighbor's garbage cans into his garage for him, cut his lawn when I cut my grass, and even invite him and his wife over for dinner, but again, that is still not enough. We must take this battle to work where I have taken the time to write notes of appreciation to my employees, offered them half days to go spend time with their families, and even scheduled "mental health days" where I allow them to go and get a massage or manicure (I only have ladies that work for me!).

    The next battle we face as Templars is the constant education of getting closer to our God. Therefore, I challenge you, as I have challenged myself, to read at least one page of the Holy Bible every day. This is not an easy task; we are all so prone to turn on the television or fix a snack. I'm asking you for one page from a book that has sold more copies than any other book in the world. The Holy Bible shall change your life but only if you take the time to read it.

    Finally, the largest battle is within. We all have vices, from watching inappropriate movies to alcoholism to even
    pornography. So I say to you my brothers, fight the good fight, work to improve yourself by reading the Holy Bible but also by living a life as pure as the vows and oaths we have taken as Knights Templar. Trust in the Lord so that you can defeat those vices. Prepare yourselves for spiritual warfare within your own heart. This is not an easy task, but it can be done with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are Knights Templar, the guardians of helping others, from children and their eye sight to civic involvement in our communities. Be the person who took that vow, be a true Knight.

    Sir Knight Barry Denton is a member of Jefferson Commandery No. 52 in Louisville, Kentucky. He is a graduate of the University of Louisville (BS 2004), the American Military University (MS 2008), and Spalding University (Ed. D. 2013). He resides at 1708 Golden Leaf Way, Louisville, KY 40245, and can be contacted at

Top Updated: August 12, 2014